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Basic Camera Controls You Should Know

Shooting Modes

Program (P) – The camera sets speed/aperture, but you can change the combination of aperture and shutter speed while still at the optimum exposure for the selected ISO.

Aperture (A) – You set the aperture and the camera determines the speed for the selected ISO.

Speed (S/Tv) – You set the shutter speed and the camera determines the aperture for the selected ISO.


Depth of field (DoF)

Remember a larger aperture, a lower
f stop (f/3.5), gives a shallow DoF. A smaller aperture, and a higher f stop (f/16), give a wider DoF.  
The closer you move to the subject, the DoF gets shallower. As you move further away the DoF gets wider.
As you increase the lens’s focal length, the DoF becomes shallower.

ISO – Controls the camera’s light sensitivity. The higher the ISO number used, the greater the sensitivity, and the better the camera’s ability to shoot in low-light conditions. However, higher values may give the photo a grainy appearance.**

White Balance:

AWB is usually the best choice. However, if the colors appearing on the LCD screen do not match the subject being photographed, I suggest using one of the other settings that better matches the lighting on the subject.

Metering Modes:

Evaluative/Matrix/ESP– Determines exposure based on the entire image.

Center-Weighted – Determines exposure based on the subject and background lighting with a bias to the subject.

Partial – Determines exposure based on the small area in the center. Best if used on strongly back-lighted subjects. (Canon)

Spot – Determines exposure based on the small area in the center. Best if used on strongly back-lighted subjects.

Spot (highlight control) – If the background is very bright, the camera shifts to over-expose allowing accurate white reproduction (m4/3)

Spot (shadow control) – If the background is very dark, the camera shifts to under-expose allowing accurate black reproduction (m4/3)

AF Target Selection – Cameras today provide sophisticated focusing capabilities with as many as 11 to 273 or more individual points determining the image focus. To gain more control use a single point centered in the viewfinder.

Focusing Modes:

One-Shot AF/AF-S, is a Single-Focus capability. In this mode, when you depress the shutter release halfway, the camera focuses on the subject only once.

AI Servo AF/AF-C is a Continuous Focus. In this mode, when you depress the shutter release halfway the camera keeps adjusting the focus to keep the subject in focus. This mode is most useful for keeping moving objects in focus as you track the object within the viewfinder.

Auto Focus Mode, AI Focus AF/AF-A, is the total automatic focus. In this mode, the camera makes the selection as to whether to use AF-S or AF-C. I don’t recommend using this mode.  I’ve included it as you should understand how it relates to AF-S and AF-C.

Shooting Modes:

 In Single-shooting mode, you take one photo each time you fully depress the shutter button.

In Continuous shooting mode, you take multiple photos as long as you fully depress the shutter button. This is very useful when photographing moving objects.

Exposure adjustment

 plus-neg Exposure Compensation – In some situations, you could get better results if you manually compensate the exposure automatically set by the camera. In the bright sun snow objects will seem darker than their natural color. Adjusting toward + will make the subject brighter and closer to its real shade.

 flash Flash Compensation – Adjusts the intensity of the flash. This may be required when shooting close-up or distant objects.

**Advanced Settings:
Auto ISO and Minimum Shutter Speed settings are available on many cameras today. Both settings can be very useful in making photography more accessible. However, you should determine the maximum ISO (digital noise/pixelization) you can tolerate.   

For a PDF copy of the Basic Camera Controls Sheet LINK

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© Tom Wiggins Photography 2015-2023