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Camera Controls

Using a Build-in Flash

There are two camera adjustments that many beginners don’t know about  Exposure Compensation and Flash Compensation. I’ve covered the use of Exposure Compensation in a previous blog.  Here I’ll discuss the use of Exposure Compensation and Flash Compensation when using your built-in flash to get photos correctly exposed. The photos used… Read More »Using a Build-in Flash

Camera Check List

How many times have you picked up your camera, taken a photo and viewed it on the LCD, and then said, “OOPS#*?”. If you’re anything like most amateur photographers, it happens more times than you would like to remember or admit. The following checklist will help you to prepare your… Read More »Camera Check List

Learning to Use Your Digital Camera

Many beginners rely on the fully automated features of their cameras. These automated features often don’t provide satisfactory or desired results.  By learning how to select the right camera control settings, beginning photographers can achieve better photographs, but it takes time to master the controls.  Beginning with the right instruction… Read More »Learning to Use Your Digital Camera

Exposure Compensation

In a blog post, I introduced Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) and Exposure Compensation. Here I would like to explain more about using Exposure Compensation  . The photos below were taken using AEB in Aperture Priority Mode i.e. the camera determines the shutter speed. (Note: I targeted the train station using spot… Read More »Exposure Compensation

AE Bracketing

In a previous blog on Histograms, I included photos where I had used Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB).   So why and when would you use AEB?  I see a couple of times when it really makes sense: 1) when you are not sure what is the best exposure set-up under changing light conditions,… Read More »AE Bracketing