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High Dynamic Range

ISO Study (A New Camera)

One of the questions students often ask is “Should I buy a new camera?” My answer is always, “Learn how to use the camera you currently own and only consider buying a new camera when the camera is limiting your photography, not your knowledge of photography and how to use… Read More »ISO Study (A New Camera)

Sunrise and Sunset Photography

I hope you all had a good summer and had the opportunity to get outside and use your cameras.  Sunrises and sunsets are popular subjects for photographers. Recently I came across several articles on sunrise and sunset photography.  I have included those links below. When taking photos of a sunrise or… Read More »Sunrise and Sunset Photography

AE Bracketing

In a previous blog on Histograms, I included photos where I had used Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB).   So why and when would you use AEB?  I see a couple of times when it really makes sense: 1) when you are not sure what is the best exposure set-up under changing light conditions,… Read More »AE Bracketing