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Image processing

AE Bracketing

In a previous blog on Histograms, I included photos where I had used Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB).   So why and when would you use AEB?  I see a couple of times when it really makes sense: 1) when you are not sure what is the best exposure set-up under changing light conditions,… Read More »AE Bracketing

Histograms: A Simple Explanation

Digital Cameras have an important feature that you couldn’t get in the days when film cameras were the only choice.  Now you get instantaneous feed back as to the quality of the exposure when it’s displayed as a JPEG image on your camera’s LCD screen. In addition, cameras give you several choices of information… Read More »Histograms: A Simple Explanation

Photo Processing Software

Recently one of my former students, Jonathan, inquired about photo processing software.  He was particularly interested in Adobe Lightroom but was concerned about the best way to get started.  He thought it looked too complicated, which at some level I would agree, however, once you understand the basics most of the… Read More »Photo Processing Software